


An Empirical Study of Trust and TAM-An Example of Online Shopping




吳亞馨(Ya-Hsing Wu);朱素玥(Su-Yueh Chu);方文昌(Wen-Chang Fang)


信任 ; 科技接受模式 ; 計算基礎信任 ; 熟悉基礎信任 ; 制度基礎信任 ; Trust ; technology acceptance model ; calculative-based trust ; familiarity-based trust ; institution-based trust




15卷1期(2008 / 01 / 01)


123 - 152






Several researchers have identified that customers have to build the trust in shopping websites and evaluate its information technology before trading. The findings can be interpreted in terms of the perceived usefulness and perceived ease-of-use of the website as depicted in the technology acceptance model (TAM). Accordingly, along with the first objective of this research is to integrate trust theory and TAM into the extended model in Taiwan. The second objective of the research is to find factors which affect antecedents of trust by customers. Finally, to examine how customer's intended use can be raised by an e-vendor. We conducted a questionnaire consisting of 321 undergraduate students, and analysis the data using SEM to test the hypotheses. Results from this study suggest that; (1) the Extended TAM proposed in this study has acceptable goodness-of-fit, representing the successful combination of the TAM and trust theory, and it can interpret clearly the e-buyer's adoptable behavior toward new IT, (2) the antecedents of trust for E-vender's website in Taiwan embrace calculative-based trust, familiarity-based trust and institution-based trust, (3) customer trust toward e-vender affects their intended use. Furthermore, the evaluation of customer trust, perceived ease-of-use and perceived usefulness of the website can be promoted by enhancing the interaction with e-buyers and e-venders.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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