


Explore Different Group Behaviors in Virtual Communities: From Relationship Commitment Perspective




黃照貴(Echo Huang);顏郁人(Yu-Ren Yen)


虛擬社群 ; 關係承諾 ; 信任 ; 承諾信任理論 ; Virtual Community ; Relationship Commitment ; Trust ; Commitment-Trust Theory




16卷_S期(2009 / 01 / 01)


57 - 81




本研究以Morgan及Hunt(1994)的「承諾―信任」理論為理論基礎,依據虛擬社群的情境及相關文獻,修改並擴充相關變數提出理論架構。並以專業社群網站「程式設計俱樂部社群」之成員為研究對象,三個月內共回收386份問卷。以參與程度高低分為高參與度以及低參與度成員,進一步了解信任承諾對於兩組成員參與行為的差異。理論模式採用結構方程式(Structural Equation Model)進行假設驗證,結果顯示「承諾―信任」模式可有效解釋社群成員的各種行為(默許行為、離去意願、討論行為及訂閱行為)。文末並提出學術貢獻與實務上的建議。


This study proposes a conceptual model based on Commitment-Trust theory with extended variables to examine the impact of commitment and trust on member behaviors in virtual communities. The members of Programmer Club, a representative professional community in Taiwan, were chosen to participate in the survey, and 386 usable responses were collected in three months. Two groups were divided based on usage, namely, heavy user and light user. Structural Equation Model (SEM) were used to test the model, the findings show that relationship commitment is the strongest predictor of member various behaviors (acquiescence, propensity to leave, discussion, and subscription). Implications are proposed in the final section.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 管理學
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