


A Longitudinal Study on “Gender Equality Education” Assessment Among Elementary and Middle School Students in Taipei City




高松景(Son-Ji Gau);晏涵文(Han-Wen Yen);劉洁心(Chieh-Wen Liu)


兩性平等教育 ; 自尊 ; 性別角色態度 ; gender equality education ; self-esteem ; gender role attitude




10卷2期(2004 / 09 / 01)


1 - 17




本研究主要目的在追蹤評量臺北市中小學學生在「兩性平等教育」的學習成效及意見的改變情形,進而對國小、國中及高中(職)學生兩性教育實施方式及應加強的教導內容提出建議。研究期間從 2001年10月第一次施測,追蹤至2002年10月第二次施測,研究的母群體是臺北市公私立國小、國中及高中(職)學生,經分層隨機抽樣,全部總計追蹤施測2,867人(國小1097、國中785人,高中職1034人)。研究工具采自編的結構式問卷,內容有雨性[自我瞭解、人我關系與自我突破]的覺察度、知識、態度、行焉典意向、自我效能及基本資料等六個部分。重要研究結果如下: ⒈學生表示學校有教導兩性教育的課程或活動的百分比顯著增加,然仍有一成多的國小學生、二成多國中與三成多高中職學生表示學校沒有教導。 ⒉追蹤主題結果顯著進步的項目:國小中高年級學生在覺察度、知識、態度,國中學生則在覺察度、知識及態度;高中職學生在對「兩性不平等」的覺察度、知識對「兩性職業興趣與工作」、「兩性社會權利與義務」的性別角色態度,以及在「自尊」、對「同性戀」等態度。 ⒊追蹤評量結果評定為不及格,急待加強的部分:國小中年級-「生理生殖」的知識;國小高年級-「情感表達與溝通」的自我效能;國中-「兩性互動」、「兩性職業興趣與與工作」及「兩性能力特質與表現」等性別角色態度;高中職-「生殖生理」、「性騷擾與性侵害」等知識、「兩性互動」、「兩性職業興趣與工作」及「兩性能力特質與表現」等性別角色態度。此外,國高中職學生有「性交行為」的比例顯著增加,值得教育單位注意。 ⒋追蹤評量結果評定為尚可,但卻較2001年顯著降低,需加強的部分:國中-「拒絕技巧與自我調適」的自我效能,高中職-「情感表達與溝通」及「拒絕技巧與自我調適」的自我效能。


This study was designed to assess the elementary and middle school students’ performance in the Gender Equality Education curriculum with longitudinal methods. The purpose was to locate the teaching emphasis among elementary school, junior high school and senior high school. By stratified sampling, there were 2,867 participants in this study (1,097 participants from Elementary School, 785 from Junior High School, 1,034 from High School and Vocational School). Data were collected from the questionnaire, which contained six parts — awareness, knowledge, attitude, behavior and intention, self-efficacy of gender self-understanding, interpersonal relationship and demographic information. The important findings were as follows: 1 .The percentage of implementation on gender education is increasing, but 10% of elementary school students, 20% of junior high school students and 30% of senior high school students indicated that not such program was offered in their schools. 2.The improvements are: first, the awareness, knowledge and attitude of elementary school students; second, awareness, knowledge and attitude of junior high school students ; third, awareness of gender inequality, knowledge and attitude toward gender role, self-esteem, homosexuality of senior high school students. 3. The following parts are necessary to be enhanced: The middle graders of elementary school—knowledge about physiology and reproduction; The upper graders of elementary school—self-efficacy about affective expression and communication; junior high school—gender role attitude toward gender interaction, gender career interest and performance, gender competence and performance; senior high school—knowledge about physiology and reproduction, sexual harassment and abuse , gender career interest and performance, gender competence and performance. Additionally, the Ministry of Education ought to pay attention to the increasing rate of sexual behavior in junior high school and senior high school. 4. The regressive parts are: first, junior high school—self-efficacy about “refusal skill and self-adaptation”; second, senior high school—self-efficacy about “affective expression and communication” and “refusal skill and self-adaptation”.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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