


The Relationships of Peer Relationship Type, Sex Communication, and Sex Attitude among High School Students in Kaohsiung City




單玉安(Yu-An Shan);鄭其嘉(Ci-Jia Zheng);孫鳳卿(Feng-Ching Sun)


同儕關係類型 ; 性溝通 ; 性態度 ; 高中職學生 ; peer relationship type ; sex communication ; sex attitude




14卷1期(2008 / 03 / 01)


23 - 36




本研究探討高中職學生同儕關係類型及其性溝通、性態度方面之現況,採問卷調查法,以高雄市七所高中職校學生為研究對象,共計有效樣本732份。以「同儕關係問卷」、「性溝通問卷」、「性態度問卷」為研究工具,問卷資料經整理及統計分析後,主要研究發現: 1.「與同儕討論性頻率」方面,男生高於女生。從「同儕」、「正常媒體」與「色情媒體」上獲得性訊息方面,男生多於女生。從「學校老師」獲得性訊息方面,女生高於男生。從「家人」方面獲得性訊息,無性別差異。2.不同年級之「與同儕間討論性頻率」方面,二年級高於一年級;從「學校老師」獲得性訊息方面,一年級高於二、三年級;從「正常媒體」獲得性訊息方面,三年級高於一年級。3.父母教育程度為「大學及以上」者比父母教育程度為「高中職」者更常從「色情媒體」上獲取性訊息。4.在「婚前性行為態度」方面,無性別、年級與父母教育程度差異。5.同儕關係類型不同的學生,在從「色情媒體」上獲得性訊息方面,以「獨行者」類型較高,「從衆者」類型較低;在「婚前性行為態度」方面,「從衆者」與「群我之分」類型態度較「獨行者」開放。


The purpose of the study is to understand the peer relationship type, sex communication, and sex attitude of high school students in Kaohsiung. The Peer Relationship Type/Sex Communication/Sex Attitude Questionnaire were given to the students in seven high schools and 732 effective responses were received. The results indicate: (1) Male students are more likely to have discussions about sex with peers than female students. Male students often receive sex information from peers, general and erotic media, whereas female students receive sex information from school teachers. There is no gender difference in receiving sex information from family members. (2) Eleventh grade students are more likely to have discussions on sex with peers than tenth grade students. Tenth grade students often receive sex information from school teachers. Whereas twelveth grade students receive sex information from general media. (3) Adolescents whose fathers' and mothers' education levels were ”college degree and higher” more frequently received sexual messages from sex media than adolescents whose parents' educational levels were ”high school”. (4) There is no difference in gender、grade and parental education for premarital sexual behavior/attitude. (5) Students who are isolated from groups often receive sex information from sex media. However, students who enjoy being in big group and who have in-groupbias have a more open attitude towards premarital sex.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 社會學
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