


On The Meaning of "Interpretive Paradigm" Presented from "The Poeticized Social and Cultural Behaviors" in the Xianqing Period




顏崑陽(Kun-Yang Yen)


先秦 ; 賦詩言志 ; 詩社會文化行為 ; 詮釋範型 ; 經驗基模 ; 詮釋學 ; 隱性意向 ; Xianqing ; poeticize ; poeticized social and cultural behaviors ; interpretive paradigm ; schemes of experience ; hermeneutics ; covert inclination




8期(2006 / 01 / 01)


55 - 87




本論文主要是以先秦春秋時代外交場合中的「賦詩言志」為研究對象。但是,研究的進路與方法,卻不同於一般。主題不在於解釋所賦之詩與所言之志的意涵,而在於這種「賦詩言志」的行為所展現的「詮釋範型」意義。也就是本論文乃將「賦詩言志」界定為一種「社會文化行為」的模式,在這一基本假定之下,依藉詮釋社會學的理論與方法,去探討這類行為所展現的「詮釋範型」,究竟隱涵著什麼「詮釋學意義」。 首先,將典籍的文本中所載三十八場次的「賦詩言志」行為,進行「類型化」處理,歸約為四種「次類型」,然後再綜合、建構出整體的「經驗基模」,指認此一「經驗基模」的「表達形式」具有那些共同特徵。 接著,將此一「經驗基模」置入「詮釋學」的問題視域中,去詮釋這類「詩社會文化行為」所展現的「詮釋範型」有何意義。分解言之,我們提出了這一「詮釋範型」中,其「理解」方式有那些特性?而賦詩者的「隱性意向」如何能被聽受者適當地獲取?「詩文本」的符號體系有何特性及如何被操作?諸多問題,本論文經過史料的詮釋,都一一回答,而獲致適當的結論。


My thesis targets the behavior of ”poeticizing” exercised at diplomatic occasions of the Xianqing-Chunqiu period. Unlike other critics, I apply a distinct approach and method to my investigation. My focus is not an explication of the form and the meaning of the poems, but rather an examination of (the behavior of ”poeticizing.”) The meaning of the interpretive paradigm manifested in; I hither define ”poeticizing” as a pattern of ”poeticized social and cultural behaviors.” Starting with this basic hypothesis, I develop my argument based on the theory and method of hermeneutic sociology for the purpose of determining what kind of ”hermeneutic meaning” is implied in the ”interpretive paradigm” generalized from these poeticized behaviors. First, I classify the texts of ancient books by ”typing” thirty eight representations of ”poeticizing” into four ”sub-types,” synthesizing them and constructing a unified entity of ”schemes of experience”; this classification attempts to bring to light the shared characteristics of the ”expressive modes” derived from the ”schemes of experience.” Next, I examine the question of ”schemes of experience” from the perspective of hermeneutics, attempting to explain the significance of the ”interpretive paradigm” revealed in the ”poeticized social and cultural behaviors.” More specifically, a series of questions in the ”interpretive paradigm” are posed, including the following: What are the characteristics of the ways of ”understanding”? How are the poets' covert inclinations precisely understood by the audience? What is the characteristic of the code system in the poetic text and how does this system operate? With a thorough interpretation of the historical records, the present article answers all the questions completely and thus leads to an accurate conclusion.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
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