


The Development of "Technological Creativity Test" and the Construction of Its Scoring Norm




葉玉珠(Yu-Chu Yeh)


科技創造力 ; 國小學童 ; 測驗 ; 常模 ; technoloical creativity ; pupil ; test ; norm




51卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


127 - 162






”Technological Creativity” refers to the process in which an individual generates a culturally appropriate as well as an original and valuable product in technology. Technological creativity is not only a basic ability in this epoc of knowledge economics and technology, but also an important competence greatly emphasized in the current educational reform. Here in this study, I have tried to develop a test that is suitable for measuring pupils' technological creativity based on the suggestions of improving divergent thinking tests, the concepts of incorporating domain knowledge, the emphasis of integrating both the selection of thinking process and the reasonableness of results, and the scoring approaches of related competitions. The Technological Creativity Test developed in this study includes two subtests, namely, Remote word association and Schoolbag design; its test time is 30 minutes. Though there were five scoring dimensions (fluency, flexibility, originality, elaboration, and visual art), a weighted score was used to represent technological creativity. This study took two years to complete. After three pretests, 1839 3rd to 6th graders (Kaohsiung: N=727; Penghu: N=511; Taipei: N=601) were used to test the reliability and validity of the developed test as well as to establish its scoring norm. The findings suggest that the Technological Creativity Test has good reliability and validity, and it is related to pupils' grade level, learning motivation of the subject ”Nature”, GPA, personal traits of creativity, school environment, and age.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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