


The Construction of Viewpoints Inventory for Middle-aged Women's Career Transition in Taiwan




林美蓉(Mei-Jong Lin)


中年婦女 ; 生涯轉換 ; 生涯轉換看法 ; middle-aged women ; career transition ; viewpoint about career transition




51卷2期(2004 / 12 / 01)


185 - 207




生涯轉換看法係個人為轉換職業、生涯或自我實現所規劃進行的各種生涯轉換行動或看法。本研究根據中年婦女生涯轉換理論或中年婦女本身對生涯轉換的看法,以台灣地區250位中年婦女為樣本,綸製「中年婦女生涯轉換看法量表」。經因素分析歸納出中年婦女生涯轉換看法的五個因素:「考慮生涯轉換,以實現更佳的自我」、「不願生涯轉換,因它充滿不確定性」、「轉換是人生的挑戰、可豐富人生(積極信念一)」、轉換是人生的再出發,自我效能的提昇(積極信念二)」、「轉換可規劃遠景,減少倦怠」,顯示出中年婦女生涯轉換看法的多元性。其中以「考慮生涯轉換,以實現更佳的自我」最具解釋力,突顯了這種經驗在中年婦女生涯轉換看法上的重要地位。由這五個因素所構成的量表具有良好的信度。 在效度方面,考驗中年婦女生涯轉換看法量表的內在結構相關發現:「考慮生涯轉換,以實現更佳的自我」、「不願生涯轉換,因它充滿不確定性」、「轉換是人生的挑戰、可豐富人生(積極信念一)」、「轉換是人生的再出發,自我效能的提昇(積極信念二)」、「轉換可規劃遠景,減少倦怠」各向度的內在關連皆達.01顯著水準。結果發現本量表有不錯的效度,其中以「考慮生涯轉換,以實現更佳的自我」的內在結構相關最高,意涵中年婦女生涯轉換對自我實現有最大的幫助。而「不願生涯轉換,因它充滿不確定性」內在結構相關最低,則意涵這種生涯轉換經驗對採取生涯轉換最沒幫助,有待檢討。本研究並建議在採取生涯轉換時應該注重中年婦女的生涯轉換態度,才能使中年婦女的想法與態度適配,以作出適當的生涯轉換。


Viewpoints about career transition are changing actions or strategies which a person takes for the purpose of career transition and personal development. The purpose of this study is to construct viewpoints about Middle-aged Women's Career Transition Inventory (VMWCTI) for mid-aged women, measuring how they perform in those changing actions or strategies. Based on the theories of viewpoints about middle-aged women's career transition, and using 250 middle-aged women in Taiwan. The VMWCTI consists 54 items which are classified into five subscales with goad reliabilities as following (1) Considering career transition to fulfill a better self. (2) Reluctant to career transition because of its uncertainty. (3) Viewing transition as a way to challenge and enrich life (Positive Belief one). (4) Viewing transition as a way to restart and enhance oneselves (Positive Belief Two). (5) Viewing transition as a way to draw up the future and reduce weariness. This result shows that viewpoints about Middle-aged Women's Career Transition Inventory are multiple and rich. Among the five subscales, ”considering career transition to fulfill a better self” is the most explanatory factor, while the rest factors have similar low explanatory power. The criterion-related validity of VMWCTI is well constructed in considering career transition to fulfill a better self, reluctant to career transition because of its uncertainty, viewing transition as a way to challenge and enrich life (Positive Belief One), Viewing transition as a way to restart and enhance oneself (Positive Belief Two), viewing transition as a way to draw up the future and reduce weariness, finding out that the factor ”considering career transition to fulfill a better self” has the highest criterion-related validity, while the factor ”reluctant to career transition because of its uncertainty” tends to have the lowest criterion-related validity, implying separately the most and the least influences on middle-aged women's career transition. The research also suggests viewing middle-aged women's career transition behavior and viewpoints about middle-aged women's career transition in order to fulfill the ideal of middle-aged women's career transition in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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