


A Report on Revising the Chinese Version of Play Therapist Attitude-Knowledge-Skill Survey




高淑貞(Shu-Chen Kao);張靖敏(Jing-Ming Chang)


技巧 ; 知識 ; 信度 ; 效度 ; 遊戲治療師 ; 態度 ; attitude ; knowledge ; play therapist ; skill ; reliability ; validity




54卷1期(2007 / 06 / 01)


121 - 145






The purpose of this study is to revise the Chinese version of the Play Therapist Attitude-Knowledge-Skill Survey [PTAKSS]. The PTAKSS has been used in several studies researching the effects of play therapy training. However, there is no reliability or validity to support the PTAKSS Chinese version, even though it has already been used in Taiwan. On the other hand, the play therapy field needs a well-developed instrument to help assess the training effects on trainees as well as for self-evaluation in setting up play therapy learning goals. There are two stages of this revising work. The first stage is a foundational analysis to modify the PTAKSS. The second stage is building the statistics data for the PTAKSS Chinese version. Results show that the original total items of 88 were cut down to 63 in the revised Chinese version. The examinations of reliability and validity revealed a high internal consistency reliability (α=.95) and a good split-half reliability (r=.76). Factor analysis identified 3 factors which entirely accounted for 47.6% of variance of the scale scores. Tests of the adequacy of the PTAKSS model were proved to be suitable and acceptable. In conclusion, this study has provided adequate evidence supporting the psychometric properties of the PTAKSS Chinese version. The PTAKSS Chinese version can be utilized for future related researches and play therapy training in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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