


Development of Word Conception Association Test for Creativity




邱發忠(Fa-Chung Chiu)


正向情緒 ; 批判性思考 ; 創造力詞彙概念聯結測驗 ; 頓悟性問題 ; 調整焦點動機 ; 擴散性思考 ; critical thinking ; divergent thinking ; insight problem ; Word Conception Association Test




57卷2期(2010 / 06 / 01)


295 - 324




本研究目的在發展「詞彙概念聯結測驗」(Word Conception Association Test, WCAT),以測驗創造力的潛能。預備性研究要求57位受試者評定房子、傢俱、水果及蔬菜等四類別詞彙的典型程度,據此選取40 個類別典型詞彙作為編製WCAT之用。研究-以42位大學生進行研究,發現WCAT的再測信度為.69。在效度上,WCAT與頓悟性問題的相關r=.43;而未與「批判性思考測驗」呈現相關(r=.23 n.s.)。研究二以72位大學生為受試者,研究發現WCAT與「新編創造思考測驗」的變通力相關r=.31,與總分間相關值r=.24,然而,未與流暢力、獨創力呈現相關(r分別為.13、21 n.s.)。研究三以86位受試者經正向情緒誘發後,發現受試者在WCAT上的表現高於中性組。而在研究四以60位受試者經由促進焦點與預防焦點動機促發後,發現經促進焦點促發後可以提升WCAT的表現,而預防焦點促發後卻提升批判性思考的表現。綜合上述可知,WCAT的信效度得到支持。


The Word Conception Association Test (WCAT) was developed to assess creativity potential. In pilot study, four categories words (i.e. house, furniture, fruit and vegetable) were chosen respectively through evaluative procedure by 57 college students. In study 1, 42 college students were tested, and the results show that the test-retest reliability coefficient is .69, and the correlation between WCAT and Insight Problem Test was found (r=.43). In addition, WCAT and Critical Thinking Test are not correlated. In study 2, college students (N=72) were tested, and the result shows that WCAT correlates with flexibility and whole Divergent Thinking Test are related (r=31, 21 and 24), whereas WCAT are not correlates with fluency and originality. In study 3, 86 college students were induced positive or negative emotion, and find that the performance of condition of positive mood was better than the condition of negative emotion. In study 4, 60 college students were induced promotion focus or prevention focus, the result shows that the performance of WCAT of condition of promotion focus was better than the condition of prevention focus; while performance of critical thinking was vice versa. In sum, the reliability and validity of WCAT were supported.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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