


Construct Study of the Assessment of Sight-word Reading and Fluency




洪儷瑜(Li-Yu Hung);陳秀芬(Hsiu-Fen Chen);王瓊珠(Chiung-Chu Wang);張郁雯(Yu-Wen Chang)


流暢性 ; 常見字 ; 評量 ; 學齡學童 ; 識字能力 ; assessment ; character-recognition ; fluency ; graders ; sight-word




59卷2期(2012 / 06 / 01)


247 - 276




本測驗依識字能力測量的趨勢,編製五種不同難易度的版本,旨在評估學生常見字的正確性與流暢性,供識字能力評估之參考。本研究先說明測驗編製過程,測驗內容為適合一年級到九年級學生不同年級之五種版本,B1、B2、B34、B57、B89,每版本均有60個字,利用看字讀音、造詞之施測方式,以正確讀音與時間計算流暢性,以正確讀音造詞的題數為正確性。各版本在各年級均有理想的信度,係數與折半信度均在.90 以上,間隔兩週的重測信度也在.80 以上。效度方面,本測驗與識字量估計測驗的識字量有顯著中高度相(r = .50~.78),與「中文年級認字量表」相關也在.57~.85,以及與閱讀理解篩選測驗相關在.56~.64(改為小數點二位),與閱讀理解能力之相關亦在.47~.78,與其他閱讀相關能力也都有顯著低度相關,此差異性的相關肯定本測驗的效度。透過本測驗之難度適當且試題通過率多見隨年級有成長,同一版本間也見得分隨年級增加,肯定本測驗編製之理念。本測驗不同版本在區分較小的年級或低能力學生間也具區別診斷之功能。另對適性版本標準、各版本間的轉化等實施方式的運用提出考驗和說明,最後並針對實務與研究提出建議。


The Assessment of Sight-word Reading and Fluency (ASWRF) is constructed on the basis of the trend of the assessment of decoding. Based on the frequency and grades, five different forms are designed to assess the different sight-word size for different graders: B1, B2, B34, B57, and B89. Each of them consists of 60 characters to ask students to read the character and make a word with the character and the accuracy of the character-recognition (CR) and fluency of CR are scored and get the result from the national norm or East-Taiwan norm. The study aims to reported the idea of the design of the ASWRF and confirm it with the reliabilities, validity, and utilities. The internal reliabilities of each form in each grade are above .90, and 2-week stable correlation coefficients are above .80. The internal validity and construct validity are reported with satisfactory evidence. The principles of assessment administrated are reported with the convincing data to support it, and the utility of the assessment in the diagnosis of the poor readers is approved from the intra-sample comparison and case study. To improve the comparison of the different forms of the ASWRF, the competence-equivalent scale is provided for follow-up studies. The recommendation of practical application and future studies are made in the end.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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