


The Revised Stuttering Severity Instrument-4 for Mandarin Speaking Adults




楊淑蘭(Shu-Lan Yang);莊淳斐(Chune-Fei Chung)


口吃成人 ; 口吃伴隨行為 ; 口吃時長 ; 口吃評估 ; 口吃頻率 ; 口吃嚴重度 ; physical concomitant ; stuttering adults ; stuttering assessment ; stuttering duration ; stuttering frequency ; stuttering severity




59卷4期(2012 / 12 / 01)


641 - 666




本研究修訂Riley(2009)的「口吃嚴重度評估工具」(第四版)之成人部分,以評估說中文成人之口吃嚴重度。修訂過程包括:(1)材料編製:繪製二幅看圖說話的彩色圖片,並改寫閱讀的短文二篇;(2)口吃嚴重度區分:依人口比例招收口吃成人80名,除了以Riley的施測程序蒐集語言樣本外,另以有時間限制的回答問題法蒐集第二份語言樣本,之後認定口吃事件,依照受試者原始分數建立百分等級對照表,並將嚴重度分為九個等級;(3)進行信、效度考驗:信度方面,三個分測驗及總分的評分者內一致性皆達 .97以上,而評分者間一致性則皆達 .95以上;效度方面,口吃與非口吃成人在三個分測驗及總分皆達顯著差異,另外,本工具與「愛荷華口吃嚴重度量尺」和「口吃式不流暢」的效標關聯效度分別為 .92和 .94。


This study aimed to revise Riley's (2009) Stuttering Severity Instrument-4 for the adults who speak Mandarin. The main tasks had been accomplished as follows: 1. rewriting 2 readings and redrawing 2 pictures as stimuli for oral expressions; 2. recruiting 80 stuttering adults from 4 different areas according to the population ratio distributed in Taiwan; 3. identifying stuttering events in the speech samples collected by the time-limited question answering method and the researcher-initiating conversation method, separately; 4. calculating the stuttering frequency, stuttering duration, and physical concomitants for establishing the normative data and dividing them into 9 stuttering severities; 5. calculating the intra- and inter-reliability that are .97 and .95, respectively; 6. deriving the criterion-related validity between RSSI-4 and The Iowa Scale for Rating Severity of Stuttering, and SLD are .92 and .94, respectively. In addition, the significant differences were found between stuttering and non-stuttering adults on the 3 subtests (stuttering frequency, stuttering duration and physical concomitant) and the total score by t tests. The norm and 9 stuttering severities also were offered.Based on the data mentioned above, this Revised Stuttering Severity Instrument-4 for Mandarin Speaking Adults provide an objective and useful tool to assess the severities of the stuttering adults who speak Mandarin. Some suggestions were also proposed for using the instrument.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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