


Evaluation of the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale Using the Rating Scale Model


巫博瀚(Po-Han Wu);賴英娟(Ying-Chuan Lai);施慶麟(Ching-Lin Shih)


Rasch測量模型 ; 客觀測量 ; 差異試題功能 ; 評等量尺模式 ; 量表發展 ; Rasch measurement model ; objective measurement ; differential item functioning (DIF) ; rating scale model ; scale development




60卷2期(2013 / 06 / 01)


263 - 289




「Rosenberg自尊量表」旨在測量個人的自尊狀態,為一廣受歡迎與使用的自陳式測量工具。本研究的目的旨在透過Rasch測量家族的評等量尺模式,檢視「Rosenberg自尊量表」的心理計量特性。本研究採用ConQuest 2.0套裝軟體進行評等量尺模式分析,研究樣本計有1,155名臺灣國中生。研究結果顯示,「Rosenberg自尊量表」較適合用來精確區分出中等程度自尊的受試者,但對於自尊特質量尺兩端的受試者,其測量精確度較低。本研究除針對評等量尺模式在量表發展上的應用予以探討外,並依據結果進行討論,以提出後續研究之相關建議。


The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) is a most popular self-report instrument for evaluating self-esteem and is widely used in many fields. This study examined the psychometric properties of items in RSES with rating scale model (RSM). A sample of 1,155 students in Taiwan was used. By using the software ConQuest 2.0, item and step parameters and their corresponding infit statistics were provided. The results showed that RSES can discriminated the examinees with moderate self-esteem, rather than that in the upper and lower end of the continuum. Psychometric properties and norm values based on the representative sample are reported. Implications of using rating scale model for scale development and evaluation, as well as suggestions for future research, are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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