


The Sense of Hope Scale in Chinese Version for Taiwan Junior High Students


賴英娟(Ying-Chuan Lai);巫博瀚(Po-Han Wu)


心理計量特徵 ; 希望感 ; 結構方程模式 ; 複核效度考驗 ; cross-validation ; hope ; psychometric characteristics ; Structural Equation Modeling




60卷3期(2013 / 09 / 01)


429 - 455




本研究旨在編製一份適合臺灣國中生使用之「中文版希望感量表」,包括對量表進行嚴謹的信、效度及複核效度考驗。本量表包含目標、正向情緒、動力思考,以及路徑思考等四個分量表,共計21題。研究參與者取自北、中、南地區的六所學校,每校選取國一、二、三年級各2班,有效樣本為1,155人。結果顯示:(1)四個分量表的Cronbach's α係數介於.85~.88之間,總量表為.94,顯示本量表具有良好的內部一致性信度;(2)效度方面,本量表具有良好的建構效度、區辨效度、聚斂效度,以及效標關聯效度;(3)複核效度考驗結果顯示,本量表具有良好的穩定性與效度延展。


The study aims to develop a sense of hope scale in Chinese version for Taiwan junior high students, and to examine its reliability, validity, and cross validation. There are 21 items in this scale including four sub-scales, goal, positive emotion, agency thinking, and pathways thinking. There are two classes selected from each grade of each school from six schools in northern, central, and southern Taiwan, respectively. The effective participants sums up to 1,155 totally. The results are as follows: (1) the range of Cronbach's α of four sub-scales is from .85-.88, and .94 of the whole scale; (2) the results of data analysis show good construct validity, convergent validity, discriminant validity, and criterion-related validity; (3) the finding of cross-validation shows the scale has good stability and validity extension.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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