


The Research in Estimating Multidimensional Traits under Vertical Equating Based on Plausible Value Method


吳慧珉(Huey-Min Wu);郭伯臣(Bor-Chen Kuo);許天維(Tian-Wei Sheu);陳婉寧(Wan-Ning Chen)


大型測驗 ; 可能值方法 ; 多向度試題反應理論 ; 垂直等化 ; 能力估計 ; Large-scale assessments ; MIRT ; plausible value method ; trait estimation ; vertical equating




62卷2期(2015 / 06 / 01)


95 - 126






The purpose of large-scale assessment is to monitor group progress. Therefore, group statistics are what the large-scale assessment focus on. Plausible value method is proposed to be a great method that measures population statistics accurately so it is used to provide students' achievement data by some significant large-scale assessment programs. Vertical equating is the way test publishers used to longitudinally evaluate achievement that spans grade levels. This research is aimed to analysis if: (1) the method that used to estimate parameters; (2) the number of item for each dimension whether or not impact on the recovery of ability parameters of group statistics, based on multidimensional item response theory (MIRT) with the vertical equating design. The result indicates that plausible value method recovers the standard deviation very well but not outstands in recovering the population means. When using MIRT vertical design, parameters are estimated better when the number of items is more.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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