


Analysis of Trend of Gender Difference in Scientific Literacy of Macao Students through Examination of the Changes of PISA Science Assessment Framework and Mode of Assessment


麥瑞琪(Soi-kei Mak);張國祥(Kwok-cheung Cheung);楊文佳(Man-kai Ieong);薛寶嫦(Pou-seong Sit)


PISA ; 性別差異 ; 科學素養 ; 測試模式 ; 閱讀素養 ; gender difference ; mode of assessment ; PISA ; reading literacy ; scientific literacy




66卷3期(2019 / 09 / 01)


249 - 284




本研究旨在分析參加經濟合作暨發展組織(OECD)倡議之2015國際學生能力評量計畫(PISA)的澳門15歲學生在科學素養之性別差異。有別於那些高素養表現的東亞國家或經濟體,澳門女生於PISA 2015的科學素養表現顯著優於男生,此顯示女生逐步扭轉過去數輪測試中科學素養的性別差異劣勢,並開始超越男生。為深入了解澳門學生的科學素養性別差異,本研究嘗試從三個視角探討澳門學生科學素養的性別差異發展趨勢:(1)從國際比較角度分析澳門在PISA科學素養表現情況;(2)從本地角度比較澳門男女生在2006與2015兩次科學素養測試的表現差異,重點分析高、中、低表現水準學生在科學素養各個子能力的性別差異;(3)從PISA科學素養評核框架及評核模式改變角度,了解其對學生科學素養的性別差異影響,重點分析閱讀素養對性別差異的關鍵性影響。研究結果揭示澳門女生在過去十年科學素養表現從弱勢得以逆轉而優於男生的原因,並知悉此結果不僅具有質性與量化雙結合之研究內在效度,同時亦具備研究結果往外引申的外在效度,即澳門研究結果亦適用於所有性別差異趨勢與澳門雷同的國家或經濟體。


This study seeks to analyze patterns of gender difference in scientific literacy of Macao's 15- year-old students participating in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015 Study, organized by Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Unlike a number of high-performing countries or economies in the East Asian region, comparing between PISA 2015 and past cycles of PISA scientific literacy assessment, Macao's females reverted the inferior trend and started to outperform males in scientific literacy performance. This study attempts to investigate Macao's trend of gender difference in scientific literacy from three vantage points: (1) Analyze Macao students' scientific literacy performance from international comparative education perspective; (2) Compare Macao students' scientific literacy performance in PISA 2006 and PISA 2015 from the local education system perspective, focusing on gender difference in the performance of the high-, medium- and low-performing students on the various subscales of scientific literacy; (3) Analyze gender difference in scientific literacy performance in terms of the conceptual change of PISA assessment framework and the operational change of mode of assessment, paying particular attention on the effect of student reading literacy on gender difference in scientific literacy. This study uncovers the reason behind why Macao's females in a decade's time were able to revert the inferior trend and started to outperform males in scientific literacy. This study not only possesses internal research validity, but also external research validity signifying that Macao's findings are also applicable to all other participating countries/economies exhibiting similar trend of gender difference in scientific literacy as Macao's.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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