


PERMA-Profiler Chinese Version and Its Psychometric Properties for University Students


陳春宇(Chuen-Yue Chen);卓淑玲(Shu-Ling Cho)


PERMA-Profiler ; 因素檢核 ; 效標關聯效度 ; 聚歛效度 ; 積極富能 ; convergent validity ; criterion-related validity ; factor authentication ; flourishing ; PERMA-Profiler




69卷1期(2022 / 03 / 31)


1 - 28




積極富能(Flourishing)屬個體處於高度心理健康之狀態,能視作感知幸福的標準(Keyes&Haidt,2003)。Seligman(2011)提出PERMA理論,以正向情緒、全心投入、與他人關係、生活意義、成就感等五向度定義積極富能;Butler與Kern(2016)以該理論為基礎,發展PERMA-Profiler,該量表具良好的心理計量特性。考量PERMA-Profiler於臺灣之信、效度未被確立,本研究以317位大學生進行驗證性因素分析、內部一致性信度分析;以70位大學生進行間隔五週之再測信度檢驗;以203位大學生進行效度分析,探討量表於臺灣之適用性。結果顯示,五向度量尺藉由驗證性因素分析獲得不錯的模式適配度(Chi-square=261.88, X^2/df=3.45, RMSEA=.09, GFI=.90, SRMR=.05, CFI=.94, TLI=.92),且有良好的內部一致性信度(Cronbach's α介於.72~.90),全量表分數、整體積極富能指標、五向度量尺於五週後能獲得良好的再測信度(r介於.65~.80,p<.01)。效度分析部分,五向度量尺與「Young's正向基模量表」、「憂鬱/焦慮/壓力量表」顯現良好的聚斂效度(r分別介於.39~.69、-.36~-.67,p<.01)。此外,與「感恩量表」具顯著正相關(r介於.39~.48,p<.01)、與「IPIP五因素短版人格量表」的「智性/想像力分量尺」之相關係數則未達顯著(r介於.02~.13),顯示本量表呈現良好的區辨、效標關聯效度。此外,若針對PERMA-Profiler五向度所對應題項重新進行探索性因素分析,以檢核因素結構是否為最佳化模式,結果顯示該題項大致能聚合為二因素,將共同性過低、具交叉負荷現象的題項刪題後,藉由驗證性因素分析確立「人我情意滿意度」、「成就與目標的追尋」二向度模式較原五向度模式為更佳解。本研究將PERMA-Profiler命名為「PERMA積極富能量表──中文版」,確立量表之適用性,期望藉此提供臨床心理專業人員、學術工作者一個探討積極富能之工具。


Flourishing which was defined as the best state of mental health was seen as the gold standard for perceptions of well-being (Keyes & Haidt, 2003). Seligman (2011) introduced the PERMA theory of flourishing and proposed five core elements of flourishing: positive emotion, engagement, relationships, meaning and accomplishment. Butler & Kern (2016) developed the PERMA-Profiler based on PERMA theory, and indicated that the inventory could be an effective tool for assessing flourishing. Considering the lack of information about psychometrics properties of the PERMA-Profiler in Taiwan, our study recruited 317 college students for confirmatory factor analysis and internal consistency analysis, 70 college students for test-retest reliability analysis for five weeks later, and 203 college students for investigating the validity. The results of confirmatory factor analysis showed that the model fit indices of five factor model are acceptable (Chi-square = 261.88, X^2/df = 3.45, RMSEA = .09, GFI = .90, SRMR = .05, CFI = .94, TLI = .92). The result also suggested satisfactory internal consistency between Five factors and the PERMA-Profiler. Test-retest reliability during five weeks was good. Besides, the correlation between five factors and Young's Positive Schema Questionnaire, Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21 indicated appealing convergent validity. In addition, correlation between five factors of PERMA-Profilers, the Gratitude Questionnaire (r between .39 and .48, p < .01), and short form of the IPIP Big-Five personality factor markers-Intellect/ Imagination subscale (r between .02 and .13, p > .05) also revealed acceptable criterion-related and discriminant validity. Furthermore, exploratory factor analysis was conducted to explore if the five factor structures is the optimal model for Taiwanese. The items correspond to five factors in the PERMA-Profiler were remeasured. The results revealed that the items could roughly aggregated into two factors. After deleting the items due to low commonality and cross-loadings, the confirmatory factor analysis which was used to confirm the factorial structure showed "Interpersonal affective satisfaction" and "Achievement and goal seeking" was a better solution comparing to the five factor model proposed by Butler & Kern. The PERMA- Profiler was named "PERMA-Profiler Chinese Version" in the present study, and its applicability was established in Taiwan aiming to provide an assessment tool of flourishing.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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