In response to the rapid changes in society and technology in the 21st century, numerous international education systems have pointed out that “learning-to-learn” is the core ability of lifelong learners and an important indicator of educational effectiveness. However, there is still no academic consensus on the assessment of learning-to-learn at this stage. Based on the literature review, the authors formulated a four-dimension scale framework to assess college students' learning-to-learn: meaning-making, self-regulation, interpersonal learning, and per-severance/challenge. The authors initially designed scale items according to the definition of each dimension and recruited 647 freshmen as the pretest participants. After deleting the items having low corrected item-total correlation and the cross-loading items in the exploratory factor analysis, 22 items were left for the formal test. 323 college students from public and private universities were recruited to examine the reliability and validity of the scale. The Cronbach's α of meaning-making, self-regulation, interpersonal learning, perseverance/challenge, and the full scale are .75, .78, .77, .78, and .89, respectively, indicating good reliability. Confirmatory factor analysis revealed a satisfactory fit for the four-factor solution with good convergent validity and discriminant validity. The relationship between scale scores and growth mindset, conscientiousness, openness, core competencies, and General Scholastic Ability Test scores was aligned with expectations. The results show that the scale has good construct validity and can be used as a tool for scholars to explore the study of college students' learning-to-learn disposition.
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