
臺灣學生後設認知與閱讀素養的關聯:PISA 2009與PISA 2018資料的比較


The Relationship between Metacognition and Reading Literacy of Taiwan Students: A Comparison between PISA 2009 and PISA 2018


陳佳欣(Chia-Hsin Chen);林素微(Su-Wei Lin )


性別 ; 社經地位 ; 後設認知 ; 階層線性模式 ; 閱讀素養 ; ESCS ; gender ; hierarchical linear modeling ; metacognition ; reading literacy




70卷3期(2023 / 09 / 30)


193 - 220




教育部於108學年度正式推動十二年國民基本教育新課綱,專家學者積極宣導「閱讀素養」是一種跨領域資訊處理以及解決真實生活情境問題的重要能力與態度,教師亦嘗試在課堂活動中進行多元閱讀策略教學。本研究旨在探討臺灣學生後設認知與閱讀素養的關聯,並以PISA 2009與PISA 2018的資料庫做為研究依據,檢視兩個世代臺灣學生在進行閱讀任務時,對於閱讀策略之運用是否適當的覺察能力。本研究考量到學生與學校通常存在著巢套關係,即學生的個人學習表現可能會受到學校群體資源的影響,因此決定採用階層線性模式(HLM)進行分析,同時亦納入性別、社經地位等背景因素,透過兩個世代臺灣學生在後設認知與閱讀素養的表現情形與關聯,檢視臺灣近十年閱讀教育改革的可能成效。PISA 2009與PISA 2018資料的比較結果如下:(1)臺灣學生的閱讀素養有所進步,尤其是九年級學生明顯進步且略勝於十年級學生;(2)兩項後設認知(即理解與記憶策略覺察和摘要策略覺察)仍低於OECD國家的平均水準,尤其後者有大幅落後OECD國家平均的現象;(3)後設認知的性別差距擴大;(4)十年級學生的校際變異比例(ICC)明顯下降;(5)ESCS最低25%和最高25%的學生閱讀素養差距更甚。因此,教育工作者需積極培養學生的後設認知,以增進學生的閱讀素養。


In 2019, Taiwan's Ministry of Education introduced 12-Year Basic Education, aiming to enhance students' reading literacy skills. Experts stressed the importance of reading for problem-solving and cross-disciplinary understanding. Teachers aimed to teach diverse reading strategies. This study explored the relationship between metacognition and reading literacy in Taiwan, using PISA 2009 and 2018 data. The analysis used hierarchical linear modeling to account for nested influences of students and schools. Gender and ESCS were considered to assess the educational reform's impact. Results showed: (1)Reading skills improved in Taiwan over the past decade, especially for ninth graders. (2)Metacognitive abilities in reading were still below OECD averages, notably in Understanding and Remembering strategies. (3)Gender differences in metacognition grew. (4)The ICC value decreased significantly for tenth graders. (5)ESCS-based reading performance gap widened between the highest and lowest quartiles. Therefore, nurturing metacognition is crucial for enhancing reading literacy.

主题分类 社會科學 > 心理學
社會科學 > 教育學
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