Taiwan is an island country whose economic development depends largely on intemational trade. Export orders are frequently seen as indicators of national export by Government institutes and researchers. This study attempts to take export order as one of the variables to investigate those factors affecting Taiwan's macroeconomics. Collected data as sample in this study, dating from 2000 Jan. to 2008 May, includes exchange rate, discount rate, unemployment rate, export price index, Taiwan weighed stock index, North American semiconductor book-to-bill ratio、foreign direct investment. This paper intends to discuss the correlation and influence between these seven variables: besides、their major impact on Taiwan's export will also be analyzed.
The results revealed that export orders Granger-cause Taiwan weighed index, exchange rate. unemployment rate、export price index and foreign direct investment. Unemployment rate, export price index and Taiwan weighted stock index form a continuous positive impact on changes of export order. While exchange rate, discount rate and North American semiconductor book-to-bill ratio showed gradual negative track. The analysis showed that Taiwan weighting stock price index. unemployment rate and foreign investment are among three influential variables influencing the changes of Taiwan export order.
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