Tenure choice and household composition are important factors in determining housing demand. If a household decides to own a dwelling unit, consequently, he has to consider whether and how much to borrow from a bank. Though there are some literatures in Taiwan considering the influence of tenure choice, household composition, and mortgage on housing demand, it is lack of a systematic analysis on the three factors. The purpose of this paper is using the 1996 Survey on Family Income and Expenditure of DGBAS and applying several levels of logit model to estimate the impacts of the above three factors on housing demand simultaneously. A conditional logit model and a multinomial logit model are estimated first and the Hausman tests are applied to check the effectiveness of the two logit models in describing the data. Since the ⅡA hypothese does not hold completely under the two types of specifications, we then extend to a nested logit model and apply the full information maximum likelihood (FIML) method to consider these three factors on housing demand. The results show that the model's requirement of the nested logit specification is fulfilled under the FIML estimation. Moreover, it is found that household income, composition of generation, and income earners composition all play significant roles on the behavior of tenure choice and housing loan demand.
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