


Crossing Traditional Cognitive Boarders: A Holistic Study of Museum and Its Implications to Education


李靜芳(Ching-Fang Lee)


博物館教育 ; 博物館建築 ; 場所與空間 ; 漫遊者 ; 猶太人受難紀念作 ; museum education ; museum architecture ; place and space ; flâneur ; the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum




10期(2005 / 12 / 01)


53 - 86




本研究之目的在於跨越博物館傳統上侷限於以展品或典藏品為核心的單一教育面向,希望提供博物館教育相關人員及觀眾一個全面性思考博物館教育的新角度。文中探討:如果我們把博物館視作一件複合式的藝術品或是一個符號系統來做整體性地詮釋時,將會產生那些教育上的重要性?我採用Burgin解讀日本澀谷區西武百貨公司所使用的「漫遊者」(flâneur)之「機會主義」的觀看與詮釋手法,以「觀眾-讀者」(visitor-reader)「體驗博物館」(performing the museum)的方式,將博物館「物質性的場所」轉換為具有個體意義的「教育性空間」。文中以美國華盛頓特區的「猶太人受難紀念館」作為詮釋分析的例證;並用四面具評議性的審視鏡-四種詮釋的角度-來剖析博物館整體與她的局部場所之可能蘊藏的教育意義,最後則提出本研究對當前博物館教育啟示。


This study explores the educational consequences of interpreting the entire museum as if it were one complex artwork, or a semiotic system. Its aim is to challenge the traditional notions of a museum's educational dimensions and to offer a more comprehensive view of museum education. To do this, I conducted a semotic reading of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D. C. My research approach was partly based on Burgin's (1996) narration of the performative practices of a flâneur experiencing the Seibu department store in Shibuya, Japan. In the same manner as the flâneur, I opportunistically experience the museum and its places, as a visitor-reader, in order to transform them into educational spaces. Concomitantly, I used four critical lenses to interpret and examine the museum to enact this process of transformation: (a) the museum and its content as evidence of culture; (b) the museum as history; (c) the museum as location, architectural design, and exhibition, and (d) the museum as a system of power and ideology, incorporating political, social, and economic factors. To conclude, educational implications are raised to encourage further studies about museum education.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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