


Educational Essence in Serious Leisure Career Stages for Folk Dancers




董孟修(Meng-Hsiu Tung)


土風舞 ; 情境─行動─結果派典模式 ; 認真休閒生涯 ; folk dance ; conditions-action-consequences paradigm model ; serious leisure career




35期(2018 / 05 / 01)


93 - 124




本研究旨在探討臺灣土風舞者之認真休閒生涯歷程。本研究在訪談34位研究參 與者後,依據休閒生涯歷程與「情境─行動─結果」派典模式分析資料。資料編碼方法包含開放、主軸與選擇編碼三階段程序。研究結果顯示出土風舞者認真休閒生涯起始期、開展期、創建期、維續期與衰退期五個階段之經驗與內涵,各階段之經驗與內涵皆有差異。依據研究結果,進一步討論研究結果與藝術教育的關聯,及研究結果對於休閒教育與社會藝術教育之啟示。研究建議土風舞活動可運用於未來銀髮族的休閒教育與藝術教育之中。


The purpose of this study attempts to explore the career path of folk dancers. Snowball sampling and in-depth interview were applied to thirty-four interviewees who fitted the research participants. The discussion is conducted based on the viewpoint of "leisure career stages" and "conditions-action-consequences model." Open coding, axial coding and selective coding were applied to code data. The experience and essence of beginning, development, establishment, maintenance, and decline five serious leisure career stages of folk dancers are illustrated clearly. There are different experience and essence of five serious leisure career stages. According to the study results, two themes are discussed, one is the relevance between research result and art education, and the other is the enlightenment of research result to leisure education and art education for general public. It is also suggested that folk dance can be used in the leisure education and art education of elder people.

主题分类 人文學 > 藝術
社會科學 > 教育學
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