


The Discursive Conflicts of Gender Education: Teachers' Interpretation and Imagination




李淑菁(Shu-Ching Lee)


性別教育 ; 論述 ; 詮釋 ; 性別平等 ; 政策 ; gender education ; discourse ; interpretation ; gender equality ; policy




22期(2011 / 06 / 01)


39 - 92






For the past decade, the Taiwanese government has been intending to initiate gender reform in educational settings. However, what is actually happening in the school? Teachers' conceptual conflicts not only disclose their susceptibility to a variety of discourses, but also display teachers' powers of agency. Rather than simply representing a drawback or blockage, intentionally or inadvertently selective reinterpretations are virtually influential in claiming legitimacy for gender policy. This paper sets out with the feminist post-structuralist perspective, attempting to investigate teachers' interpretation of gender education, the working of competing discourses, and possibilities, thereby getting grips with the complexities of policy delivery of gender education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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