


Toward an Understanding of Socialization in the Teaching of After-School Programs




劉修豪(Hsiu-Hao Liu);林意雪(Yih-Sheue Lin)


課後輔導 ; 社會化 ; 課堂社會學 ; 弱勢教育 ; After-School Programs ; Socialization ; Sociology of Classroom ; Disadvantaged Education




25期(2012 / 12 / 01)


1 - 31






In recent years, many after-school programs endeavor to help disadvantaged children with their learning. Nonetheless, the more the socializations after-school programs involve, the higher the interventions they encounter. The after-school programs place these children within the mainstream culture. Such an outcome may not favor their learning. This paper attempts to toward an understanding of socialization in after-school programs, and further investigate those elements which reproduce mainstream culture. Ethnography method is adopted, and the site selected for this study is the after-school which has 29 classrooms and 58 teachers.. The major elements that we find are ritual, rewards-penalties, inseparable teaching tempo, bureaucratic practices and meritocracy. Our analysis suggests as follows: First, classrooms are filled with socialized messages, from which teachers shape their teaching beliefs. Secondly, routine learning activities establish certain cultural norms, then become means for social control. Thirdly, children with different backgrounds are given the same expectation, which indicates the lack of multicultural understanding. Finally, social values do not mean anything to those children, more convincing reasons are required for them to understand the meaning of after-school programs.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
社會科學 > 社會學
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