


Erecting taəta in front of Permanent House: Architectural Design and Social Reform for the Post-Disaster Reconstruction




吳嘉苓(Chia-Ling Wu)


災後重建 ; 建築 ; 社會技術網絡 ; 石板屋 ; 設計者 ; post-disaster reconstruction ; architecture ; sociotechnical network ; stone slab house ; designer




20期(2015 / 04 / 01)


9 - 73






This paper analyzes Chia-Lan village's housing reconstruction after Typhoon Marok to examine how designers and users provide different social reform blueprints for the aboriginal society. I propose two analytical strategies: (1) to incorporate all kinds of blueprints-producing "designers", rather than limit to the licensed "professional architects," in order to reveal the diversity of housing design activities; (2) to follow local villagers' participation in the stages of design, construction and use in different housing-building networks so that we can fully evaluate their cultural value yielding and material reorganization. The data includes participant observation, in-depth interviews and archival data. I found four reconstruction projects in the village. (1) Architect Hsieh Ying-chun's transitional houses: the lightweight steel construction; (2) The tribal leader-initiated tribe square: traditional stone slab houses; (3) NGO-built permanent houses: reinforced concrete; (4) Residents-designed traditional pergola: taeta. I argue that when local residents got involved with design, they tended to incorporate the aboriginal culture into the blueprint more than the licensed architects. However, villagers still preferred the mainstream reinforced concrete building as their houses. The hybrid preferences of indigenous ethnical culture and modern housing materials led them to rewrite the designers' scripts for transitional houses, stone slab houses and permanent houses. Future housing design should integrate, rather than just add, indigenous building culture with modern housing design.

主题分类 人文學 > 人文學綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥衛生綜合
醫藥衛生 > 醫藥總論
醫藥衛生 > 基礎醫學
醫藥衛生 > 預防保健與衛生學
醫藥衛生 > 社會醫學
社會科學 > 社會科學綜合
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