


A Study of Personality Traits, Stress Adaptation and Related Factors of Gifted Students in Junior High School




孫瑜成(Yu-Cheng Sun)


資優學生 ; 人格特質 ; 壓力調適 ; gifted students ; personality traits ; stress adaptation




6卷1期(2006 / 06 / 01)


41 - 68




本研究旨在探討國中資優學生的人格特質、壓力調適(壓力感受程度和壓力因應方式)及其相關因素之概況,並分析不同人格類型及背景變項(年級、性別、班級型態、家庭社經地位、地區和國小教育安置型態)在壓力調適上之差異及預測情形。本研究之調查對象為92學年度第一學期就讀臺灣地區資優班的551位一般智能優異學生。研究者採用自編之國中學生壓力調適量表」和賴氏人格測驗」為研究工具。量表調查所得之資料以描述性統計、多變量變異數分析、單變量變異數分析、因素分析、積差相關、典型相關和逐步迴歸分析等方法加以統計分析後,有以下發現: 一、國中資優學生的人格特質以正向特質的C型人格(鎮靜型)和D型人格(指導型)為主,其次為負向特質的B型人格(暴力型)和E型人格(怪癖型)。 二、國中資優學生的主要壓力來源以學業壓力」為主,其次為自我期許壓力」。 三、國中資優學生最常使用的壓力因應方式以理性應對」為主,其次為穩定情緒」。四、具有正向人格特質的國中資優學生對壓力感受程度較低,且較常使用正向壓力因應方式去面對壓力;具有負向人格特質的國中資優學生則對壓力感受程度較高,且較常使用負向壓力因應方式去處理壓力。 五、不同人格類型及背景變項的國中資優學生在壓力調適上之差異分析方面,全部的二因子多變量變異數分析和二因子單變量變異數分析在壓力感受程度和壓力因應方式分量表上皆未有交互作用;就單因子多變量變異數分析結果而言,國中資優學生的壓力感受程度」在不同人格類型、年級、班級型態和地區上有主要效果;而壓力因應方式」則在不同人格類型、性別、班級型態和地區上有主要效果。在家庭社經地位和國小教育安置型態上則無顯著性差異。 六、不同壓力感受程度的國中資優學生在壓力因應方式上之差異分析方面,所有的二因子多變量變異數分析在壓力因應方式上皆未有交互作用;而二因子單變量變異數分析僅在壓力感受程度×國小教育安置型態」和壓力感受程度×家庭社經地位」上有交互作用;就單因子多變量變異數分析結果而言,國中資優學生的壓力因應方式」在不同壓力感受程度、地區、年級、性別和班級型態上有主要效果,而在家庭社經地位和國小教育安置型態上則無顯著性差異。 七、國中資優學生壓力感受程度與壓力因應方式之問有顯著的相關及典型相關存在。其中,壓力感受程度較低的國中資優學生傾向使用正向的壓力因應方式;壓力感受程度較高的國中資優學生傾向使用負向的壓力因應方式。 八、人格類型、年級、性別、班級型態、地區及國小教育安置型態對國中資優學生的壓力感受程度和壓力因應方式有預測力;家庭社經地位則對國中資優學生的壓力感受程度和壓力因應方式無預測力。根據上述研究結果,研究者提出數點在輔導及未來研究上的建議,以供教師和父母參考。


The purposes of this study were to investigate personality traits, stress adaptation and related factors of gifted students in junior high school, and to analyze the differences and predictions of stress adaptation in personality types and background variables. The instruments were self-developed ”Stress Adaptation of Junior High School Students Scale” and ”Lai Personality Scale.” The participants were 551 gifted students in Taiwan. All of collected data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, MANOVA, ANOVA, factor analysis, Pearson correlation, canonical correlation and stepwise regression. The results were as follows: 1. The personality traits of most of gifted students were positive type C and type D, which indicated calmness and guidance. Negative type B and type E were the second personality traits, which referred to the violence and eccentricity. 2. The main source of stress for gifted students was ”academic stress”, and then, ”self-expectation stress” 3. The frequently-used coping strategy for gifted students was ”rational coping”, and then ”stable emotion” 4. Gifted students with positive personality traits had lower stress perception and often used positive coping strategies, but gifted students with negative personality traits had higher stress perception and often used negative coping strategies. 5. By analyzing the differences of stress adaptation in personality types and background variables, both of two-way MANOVA and two-way ANOVA analyses didn't have interaction on stress perception and coping strategies. Personality types, gender, class type, and region of one-way MANOVA analyses had main effect on stress perception and coping strategies. Family socio-economic status and placement of elementary students of one-way MANOVA analyses didn't have main effect on stress adaptation. 6. By analyzing the differences of coping strategies in stress perception and background variables, the two-way MANOVA analysis didn't have interaction on coping strategies. but the two-way ANOVA analysis had interaction on placement of elementary students and family socio-economic status. Stress perception, grade, gender class type, and region of one-way MAN OVA analyses had main effect on coping strategies, but family socio-economic status and placement of elementary students of one-way MAN OVA analyses didn't have main effect on coping strategies. 7. Stress perception was significantly correlated with coping strategies. Gifted students with lower stress perception often adopted positive coping strategies, but gifted students with higher stress perception often adopted negative coping strategies. 8. Personality types, grade, gender, class type, region, and placement of elementary school had prediction for stress adaptation of gifted students. Family socio-economic status didn't have prediction for stress adaptation of gifted students. According to the above results, the investigator proposed several suggestions for educational guidance and further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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