


Benefit and Risk of Electronic Participation: Exploring Citizen's Cognitive Attitude and Behavior of Using Governmental Websites




羅晉(Jin Lo)


公共參與 ; 電子化政府 ; 電子化民主 ; 政府網站 ; 政治效能感 ; 資訊科技認知態度 ; public participation ; electronic government ; electronic democracy ; governmental websites ; political efficiency ; attitude about information technology




15期(2008 / 07 / 01)


181 - 208




人們對各種新興科技的認知與使用行為之關係,長久以來廣泛受到私部門研究的重視。相對的,憑藉著資訊通訊科技與網路所構築的電子化政府及其所衍生的電子化參與,推展至今,其「供給-需求」關係與發展現況,卻常為公共行政等社會科學相關領域研究所忽略。 有鑑於此,本研究以公共參與的角度,探討民眾對當前電子化政府中最為主要媒介-「政府網站」-的參與功效意識、認知與使用行為。目的在於檢視民眾的人口特徵、內外在政治效能感、民眾對政府資訊科技運用的風險認知,對於民眾對政府網站參與功能的效益認知、以及對其網站使用行為的影響。研究對象為具代表性的網路民眾隨機樣本,方法上主要透過相關分析、因素分析、邏輯迴歸與多元線性迴歸分析法予以探討。 研究發現,各變項之間大多呈現正向相關。其中,民眾的教育程度與外在政治效能感,可解釋民眾對於政府網站參與功能的評價;另一方面,民眾不同的年齡、教育程度、網路使用經驗、與民眾的內外在政治效能感、以及其對網站參與功能的認知,則可預測民眾對政府網站的使用行為。最後,本研究更據此討論出不同的政策建議與研究意涵,可供相關電子化政府實務推動與後續研究參考。


Private enterprises have been extensively stressed and studied people's cognition and behavior of using various new information technologies for long. However, the promotion of the relation of its supply-demand of service by the electronic government has often neglected by public administration's relevant documents. For this reason, this study is based on citizen's participation view and attempts to find out the relationship between people's participation efficiency consciousness (political efficiency), cognitive attitude and behavior about the 'Governmental websites', which are the main media in present electronic government. This study used online questionnaires to query respondents, who are representative samples of network people regarding their attitude and use of Governmental websites. In addition, we also used correlation, logistic regression and hierarchical multiple regression to analyze the data. The research findings reveal that the explanation ability and relation of the two models, which regard people's participation and actual using behavior, and the people opinion regarding participation function of Governmental websites as dependent variable, which could produce different policy meanings and could be a reference for follow-up research.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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