


Examining the Mediating Effects of Consumption Habit in Online Auction and Life Styles on the Consumer Decision-Making Styles among College Students: An Application for Consumption Education Strategy




胡蘭沁(Lan-Chin Hwu);董秀珍(Hsiu-Chen Tung)


中介效果 ; 生活型態 ; 拍賣網站 ; 消費者決策型態 ; intervening effect ; life style ; online auction ; consumer decision making style




18期(2010 / 01 / 01)


307 - 342




隨著網際網路的興起以及寬頻的普及,降低了交易的成本,拍賣網站在這種優勢下迅速興起,打破了傳統交易模式,提供消費者另一種新的購物型態,在這一群拍賣網站消費者中大學生是其中的主流之一,儼然形成了一種新的消費文化。 本研究以「拍賣網站消費習性」與「生活型態」為中介變項,探討是否透過此兩中介變項背景因素對大學生之消費者決策型態產生影響。本研究採用問卷調查法分層隨機抽樣全省15所公私立大學,得到有效樣本1353人,以因素分析、多元迴歸和中介效果分析等方法進行資料分析。 研究結果發現,前述兩類中介變項所建立之模型在消費者決策型態上的解釋獲得大部分支持。最後依研究結果提出建議做為消費教育實務及未來研究之參考。


With the rapid expansion of commercial usage on Internet and the popularity of broadband telecommunication, the usage of online auction rises rapidly. It has changed the traditional ways of doing business transaction and price setting. Among others, college students become the main consumers online and are seen to develop a new consumption culture. This study employed ”consumption behavior in online auction ”and ”life style ”as mediator variables to explore how background variables affect consumers' decision-making styles. A questionnaire survey was conducted in this study and stratified random sampling method was used to collect data from 1,353 college students among 15 private and public universities. The statistical methods, such as factor analysis, multiple regressions and intervening effect analysis were used. The research found that two intervening variables adopted in the study accounted for great amount in explaining the model of consumer's decision-making styles. The results can be applied to the fields of consumption educational practice and academic research in the future.

主题分类 基礎與應用科學 > 資訊科學
社會科學 > 社會學
社會科學 > 傳播學
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