


Measures to Cope with Implementation of Co-teaching and Teacher Education




陳玉蘭(Yu-lan Chen)


協同教學 ; 教學領導 ; 師資培育 ; co-teaching ; instructional leadership ; teacher education




3卷1期(2003 / 06 / 01)


57 - 78






The main purpose of this article is to study how to train and educate teachers for the implementation of co-teaching. It contains three parts: (1) the relationship between co-education and integrated curriculum, (2) the nature of co-teaching and methods of teacher education, and (3) how to train and cultivate leader for a teacher team. After document analysis, it indicate that (1) there are some advantages and disadvantages in co-teaching, (2) teaching through teamwork is more difficult than teaching by oneself, (3) to train and cultivate leader for school is very important task of teacher education institute. At last, it proposes four suggestions: (1) to cultivate the attitude to pursue continuous progress and improvement-from friendly support to rational criticism as well as from multidisciplinary curriculum to transdisciplinary curriculum, (2) to offer the opportunities for advance study to cope with the need of random teaching so as to upgrade and augment the specialties of teachers, (3) to experience the working environment of the team from cooperative learning, and (4) to expand the opportunities for pre-service teachers to learn the ability and knowledge of instructional team leadership.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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