
論C. A. Bowers「共有文化」取向的生態教育理念及其應用


A Research of Chet A. Bowers's 'Common Cultures' Approach of Ecological Education and Its Implication




王俊斌(Chun-Ping Wang)


永續性 ; 生態教育 ; 共有文化 ; 語言隱喻 ; 課程文本 ; Sustainability ; Ecological Education ; Culture Commons ; Curriculum Text ; Language Metaphor




10卷2期(2011 / 12 / 01)


1 - 20




目前對於學校環境教育實施成效的分析,大多數研究皆選擇從環境議題或環境能力指標被融入教材的比例來檢視其被重視的程度。這樣的分析取向雖能反映教學成效可以藉由學生是否學會或獲得某種能力來評量,只是當我們思考學生該學會的「能力」,它是在何種文化氛圍下被定義?或者,課程文本脈絡又反映何種價值觀?顯然,這一種就根本性問題提出反思的研究取向,它仍未被環境教育研究者重視。有鑑於此,本文從全球資本主義狀況下的生態教育困境做為問題探究起點,依據Chet A. Bowers生態文化教學論之理論分析,一方面說明重構教學語言隱喻的積極意涵,另外一方面也運用其「共有文化」取向的生態教育概念探究現行環境議題融入課程可能存在的問題。最後,本文也就Bowers生態教育理念及其轉化為實際學校教育之可能性提出初步反省,期以提供後續生態教育之理論研究與實踐反省之參考。


Concerning about issue of evaluation of environmental education outcomes nowadays, most of Taiwan researchers are used to transform competence indicators into instruction proposal or to integrate environmental issues into classroom teaching. Even although this approach can partly reflect real condition of environmental education within schools, but when we think about which 'competence' that students should be learned via texts learning? how to define its connotation of 'competence' under a particular atmosphere? Or what values are been hidden within context of textbooks? It goes without saying, Taiwan's environmental researchers or educators are still not to pay much attention on those fundamental questions from critical perspective of philosophy. Therefore, under plights of ecological education, this article is based on Chet A. Bowers's 'common culture' approach of eco-cultural pedagogy to analysis language metaphors problems within school texts of Grade 1-9 Curriculum and to try to provide an alternative approach for facilitating further development of school environment education.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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