


The Effects of Mathematical Ability Grouping Instruction on Learning Achievement and Learning Attitude for Junior High Schoolers


李明璜(Ming-Huang Li);蔡文榮(Wen-Rong Tsay)


能力分組教學 ; 學習成就 ; 學習態度 ; ability grouping instruction ; learning achievement ; learning attitude




16卷1期(2017 / 06 / 01)


100 - 130




本研究的目的乃在探討數學能力分組教學對國中生學習成就與學習態度之影響,本研究以量化研究為主,包含數學成就測驗與數學態度量表之資料的分析。研究的對象為研究者任教的臺中市某公立國中九年級的兩個班(分別為A組班與B組班)的學生,並各自分成高成就組、中間組與低成就組。本研究主要結果顯示:一、 數學能力分組教學對學生數學學習成就的影響上,對A組班高成就組、中間組與低成就組以及B組班高成就組皆有顯著的影響;對B組班中間組與低成就組則沒有顯著的影響。二、 數學能力分組教學對學生數學學習態度的影響上,A組班與B組班在「教師量表」、「數學學習信心量表」、「數學焦慮量表」、與「數學探究動機量表」皆有顯著的差異;在「數學成功態度量表」與「數學有用性量表」則無顯著差異。三、 數學能力分組教學對學生數學學習態度的影響上,A組班學生表現出來的學習態度是正向積極,更有成就感與自信心,且願意主動學習數學內容與更深共廣的知識;B組班學生則感受到較大的壓力,較無自信心,整體的學習動機與積極度不如A組班學生。最後根據本研究之發現,研究者對國中學校當局、現職教師、以及未來研究提出建議以供參考。


The purpose of this study was to explore how mathematical ability grouping instruction affects junior high school students' learning achievement and learning attitude. The study focused on quantitative approaches including data analysis from mathematical achievement tests and mathematics learning attitude scale. The sample was comprised of students from two 9^(th)-grade classes (class A and class B) taught by the researcher, and students were divided into high-achievement, inbetween-achievement and low-achievement groups. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. The effects of mathematical ability grouping instruction on learning achievement: There is significant impact on the high-, mid- and low-ability students in class A and the high-ability students in class B, while there is no obvious impact on the mid-and low-ability students in class B. 2. The effects of mathematical ability grouping instruction on learning attitude: There is noticeable impact between class A and class B on "teacher rating scale", "mathematics learning confidence rating scale", "mathematics anxiety rating scale" and "mathematics to explore the motivation rating scale", whereas, there is no noticeable impact on "mathematics success attitude rating scale" and "mathematics useful rating scale". 3. The effects of mathematical ability grouping instruction on learning attitude: Students in class A showed more positive learning attitude, sense of fulfillment and confidence. They are willing to learn more mathematics contents and deeper knowledge. On the other hand, students in class B sensed more pressure and showed less confidence. Their overall learning motivation is not as good as those of class A. According to the findings of the study, some suggestions were made for school administration, individual teaching and further studies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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