


Gender Differential Item Functioning in Mathematics Achievement Tests: A Case Study of the Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement


陳俊瑋(Chun-Wei Chen);鄧鈞文(Chun-Wen Teng);林仁傑(Jen-Chieh Lin)


性別 ; 差異試題功能 ; 臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫 ; gender ; differential item functioning ; Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement




18卷1期(2019 / 06 / 01)


71 - 91




本研究旨在運用「臺灣學生學習成就評量資料庫」(Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement, TASA)探討數學成就測驗在國小四年級(n = 7,876)、國小六年級(n = 7,820)、國中二年級(n = 7,435)、高中二年級(n = 7,057)及高職二年級(n = 6,870)的性別「差異試題功能」(differential item functioning, DIF)現象。藉由SIBTEST軟體進行DIF分析,本研究發現,TASA數學成就測驗存在性別DIF現象。不過,DIF試題並不存在幾何題型有利於男生的絕對優勢,也不存在代數題型有利於女生的絕對優勢。即便如此,由於DIF試題的存在會對測驗的公平性造成影響,因此,後續數學成就測驗編製,仍應更加留意性別DIF現象的產生。


This study employs the Taiwan Assessment of Student Achievement (TASA) database to investigate the gender differential item functioning (DIF) phenomenon in mathematics achievement tests in various grades: 4th grade (n = 7,876) of elementary school, 6th grade (n = 7,820) of elementary school, 8th grade (n = 7,435) of junior high school, 11th grade of senior high school (n = 7,057), and 11th grade of senior vocational school (n = 6,870). Using SIBTEST software for DIF analysis, this study discovered that gender DIF exists in TASA mathematics achievement tests. However, DIF items in geometric items were not absolutely advantageous to males, nor were DIF items in algebraic items absolutely advantageous to females. Nonetheless, the presence of DIF items affects the fairness of tests; therefore future planning of mathematics achievement tests should pay more attention to the generation of gender DIF.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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