


A Text Mining for HPM Research in The Case of Theses and Dissertations


宋如婷(Ju-Ting Sung);蔡文榮(Wen-Rong Tsay)


數學史 ; HPM ; 文字探勘 ; history of mathematics ; HPM ; text mining




21卷2期(2022 / 12 / 01)


25 - 66




數學史早在2003年即寫入我國九年一貫數學綱要,其重要性在108課綱又再次被強調。本研究為補充HPM研究在大數據及人工智慧時代下之研究方法的更新,及瞭解其研究主題的分布變化,聚焦臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統(NDLTD)117篇及ProQuest Dissertations & Theses資料庫228篇數學史教學相關之學位論文,除內容分析之外,使用R語言程式進行詞庫建置、圖像視覺化,並以topicmodels套件的LDA進行主題模型分析,再依據HPM會議主題作主題分類分析。研究結果發現,除了數學史融入教學和科技輔助的準實驗研究,數學史之教學相關學位論文目前在跨領域整合如科學、科技及藝術輔助部分,大約是落後歐美地區5-10年,另外在研究主題上還需加強亞洲以外之跨文化之數學教材資源項目。未來建議可將R語言的主題模型分析應用在質性研究的紮根理論中;在研究題目上可納入期刊文獻做為研究對象。


The history and pedagogy of mathematics (HPM) is one of the important factors that stimulate and cultivate the motivation of mathematics learning. It integrates the connection of mathematics with other disciplines and life. The history of mathematics was written into my country's mathematics Guidelines as early as 2003, and its importance is once again emphasized in the 108 Curriculum Guidelines. This study focused on the 117 abstracts of Theses and Dissertations in National Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations in Taiwan and 228 of ProQuest Dissertations and Theses, to explore the changes of HPM research topics in the era of big data and artificial intelligence. This study applied word frequency, image visualization and LDA analysis of topicmodels package by R studio for the analysis of text mining. The topics of these dissertations were related closely to the education policies and the themes of HPM conference. The current cross-field integration in Taiwan is about 5-10 years behind the European and American. In addition, we need to strengthen the cross-cultural mathematics materials and resources outside of Asia. Besides, the topic model analysis of R studio was suggested to be applied to the grounded theory of qualitative research. And the journal papers were suggested to be included in the research after.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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