


A Study on the Antecedents of IOR Long-Term Orientation-Small and Medium Enterprises' Moderating Role




方世榮(Shyh-Rong Fang);張嘉雯(Chia-Wen Chang);黃識銘(Shyh-Min Hwang)


相互信任 ; 相互依賴 ; 夥伴關係長期導向 ; 組織間關係績效 ; 中小企業特質 ; Mutual Trust ; Mutual Dependence ; Long-Term Partnership Orientation ; Interorganizational Relationship Performance




3卷1期(2003 / 02 / 01)


101 - 124




伴隨著競爭時代的來臨,使得市場環境難以預測與掌握,企業為求生存,除了善用組織本身的資源和能力外,向外部尋求支援亦成為重要的課題。雖然許多企業瞭解長期導向的關係交換能為企業帶來相當多的利益,且有助於長期績效之提昇;但大多數企業卻不知如何去建立此一夥伴關係長期導向。 準此,本研究主要在於探究夥伴關係長期向之前置因素與組織間關係績效之關係,並納入中小企業特質作為調節效果。透過問卷調查,本研究發現組織間之相互依賴與相互信任將會影響夥伴關係長期導向之建立,進而提昇組織間關係績效。此外,中小企業之特質將對夥伴關係長期導向造成干擾效果。 本文最後並針對重要結論,分析其管理意涵並提出建議與未來研究之課 題。


Along with the era of competition, viewing that the market environment gets harder to forecast and hold, to survive, the companies seeking outside support becomes a crucial issue. Although many companies realize that long-term partnership orientation can enhance their benefits and performance, but they don't know how to build long-term relationship with channel members. Therefore, this research was focused on long-term partnership orientation, and proposes a complete framework to examine the antecedent and relationship performance of long-term partnership orientation. Besides, the characteristics of small and middle firms are expected to have contextual effects .The major findings from this research include, mutual trust and mutual dependence between firms, will effect the long-term partnership orientations, and enhance the relationship performance. Besides, the characteristics of small and middle firms have interference effect to long-term partnership orientations. Finally, according to the conceptual framework and research findings, we also draw upon some suggestions for the management policies and academic implications for the future research.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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