


The Cognition Analysis for Hierarchy of Needs Theory: A Case of Money and Leisure




張寧(Ning Chang);管浩宇(Hao-Yu Kuan)


需求層級理論 ; 金錢 ; 休閒 ; 社會判斷理論 ; 資訊整合理論 ; hierarchy of needs theory ; money ; leisure ; social judgment theory (SJT) ; information integration theory (IIT)




21卷2期(2021 / 08 / 01)


61 - 81






Based on social judgment theory and information integration theory, this study examines whether or not the hierarchy of needs could be explained by cognitive shift. The design adapts money and leisure as decision factors for satisfaction of working condition to observe the factors shift in function form, integration mode, and weights whether or not can interpret the phenomenon of hierarchy of needs. The results show that the hierarchy of money need is common in this study. But almost subjects think money and leisure both are the more the better, the result of function form is not the cause of hierarchy of needs. The reasons why the whole utility diminishing should be the adoption of averaging mode for information integration or the decreasing money weight along with the increasing money amount.

主题分类 社會科學 > 管理學
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