


The Relationship among a 4-Dimensional Classroom Goal Structure, Personal Goal Orientation and Academic Help-Seeking Behavior




彭淑玲(Shu-Ling Peng);程炳林(Biing-Lin Cherng)


課室目標結構 ; 個人目標導向 ; 課業求助行為 ; classroom goal structure ; individual goal orientation ; academic help-seeking behavior




50卷2期(2005 / 10 / 01)


71 - 97






Research on goals tends to look at both the personal and the contextual aspects of goals. As for the personal aspect, individual goal orientation has four dimensions, but a two-dimensional classroom goal structure has still been dominant in contextual goal research. The purposes of this study were to: (a) construct a 4-dimensional classroom goal structure based on 4-dimensional goal orientation theory, and test a confirmatory factor analysis model of this 4-dimensional classroom goal structure by using structural equation modeling (SEM); (b) analyze whether this 4-dimensional classroom goal structure fits in with the 4-dimensional goal orientation structure; (c) explore the relationship among the classroom goal structure, individual goal orientation and academic help-seeking behavior. The participants were 932 students from 15 junior high schools. Results indicated that (a) the theoretical model proposed by the authors fit the empirically observed data, and this result supported the hypothesis that the classroom goal structure was indeed divided into four dimensions; (b) the classroom goal structure fit in with individual goal orientation, in other words, the approach-mastery classroom goal structure was the best predictor of the approach-mastery goal of learners, the avoidance-mastery classroom goal structure was the best predictor of the avoidance-mastery goal of learners, the approach-performance classroom goal structure was the best predictor of the approach-performance goal of learners, and the avoidance-performance classroom goal construct was the best predictor of avoidance-performance goal learners; (c) individual goal orientation was the mediating variable between the perceived classroom goal structure and academic help-seeking behavior. Besides, the relationship between the approach-mastery classroom goal structure and academic help-seeking behavior was mediated through approach-mastery goal orientation. In the conclusion, the implications for theory and research are discussed.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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