


Integrating Gender Issues into the Arts Curriculum-an Example of Action Research




陳育淳(Yu-Chun Chen)


行動研究 ; 性別 ; 實作評量 ; 藝術統整課程 ; action research ; gender issues ; performance assessment ; integrated arts curriculum




51卷2期(2006 / 10 / 01)


91 - 119






Action research, in which teaching and evaluation are combined, is one of the most effective ways to improve instruction and curricula. This investigation provides one actual experience through constructional activities and integrated concept to develop structural curriculum. The researcher used teamwork, role-playing, narrative educational activities and performance assessments in order to integrate both the role of gender and the different ways of student arts representation. It was found that in art class students can investigate, through the creation of works of art, the meanings and characteristics of gender difference as well as many other issues present in everyday life. Art classes can combine student's life experience to further develop their critical thinking ability. Through this action research project, Art instructors not only developed their professional knowledge but also their consciousness of their educational environment. More specifically, they became more sensitive to gender issues, more aware of their own unconscious gender ”ideology”, and become more responsible for his/her behavior through teaching.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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