


The Need for a Sensus Communis in the Classroom in Teaching the "Labor & Service" Curriculum




吳靖國(Chin-Kuo Wu)


服務學習 ; 勞動與服務 ; 課室共通感 ; Service-Learning ; Labor & Service ; sensus communis in the classroom




53卷2期(2008 / 08 / 01)


1 - 26






In the teacher education program, the Labor & Service (also called Service- Learning) course is usually a compulsory zero-credit subject. Some may be confused by the meaning and purpose of this course, since the voluntary nature of ”service” might seem to contradict the compulsory nature of ”labor” and also the fact that this is a compulsory (not elective or ”volunteer”) course. Thus the teacher of this course must establish at the outset a sensus communis in the classroom in order to clarify for students the meaning and purpose of this course, and thereby maximize their learning motivation. This study uses questionnaires, document-analysis and interviews in an effort to analyze the importance of having a sensus communis in the classroom, as far as the learning intentions of students are concerned. Furthermore, the researcher recommends the use of a lived-experience curriculum in the teaching of this course, which will promote students' relationships in the classroom and promote their emotional as well as intellectual growth.

主题分类 社會科學 > 教育學
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