


Some Issues about the Analogical Application of Article 1030-2 of the Civil Code


陳明楷(Ming-Kai Chen)


剩餘財產分配 ; 婚前債務 ; 婚後債務 ; 清償 ; 補償 ; 類推適用 ; Distribution of Marital Property ; Pre-Marital Debts ; Marital Debts ; Discharge One's Debts ; Indemnification ; Analogy Apply




118期(2021 / 06 / 01)


93 - 175






There is an issue about that if the husband or the wife discharged the debts of his or her spouse which incurred before marriage with his or her property acquired in marriage, this property has not yet been made up, how to handle this in the claim of division of marital property. This article resolves this issue by three steps. First, if the husband or the wife discharged the debts of his or her couple which incurred during the continuance of the marriage relationship with his or her property acquired in marriage, it shall be considered as obligation and debts in the claim of division of marital property. Second, there are various kinds of substantive point of views, such as the theory of binding debts by property, the theory of binding debts by debts, the theory of the invariable legal nature, about whether or not deducting the debts or counting into the remainder of the property acquired in marriage. However, we should insist the formal standpoint about applying Article 1030-2 of the Civil Code correctly, and then exploring the existence of legal loopholes to grasp the necessity of analogy apply. And lastly, although paragraph 1 of article 1030-2 provides that if the husband or the wife discharged his or her debts incurred before marriage with his or her property acquired in marriage, it shall be counted into the remainder of the property acquired in marriage upon the termination of the relationship over the statutory regime, this paragraph cannot directly handle a case between different subject of rights. Nevertheless, article 1030-2 is a rule of regulating transformation of the legal nature. For correctly calculating the amount of division of marital property from paragraph 1 of article 1030-1, there is a necessity for article 1030-2 to be applied by analogy in the case about that the spouse used his or her property which acquired in marriage to discharge the debts of his or her spouse which incurred before marriage.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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