


Outlet for the M-Car: Technological Investigation of the Germany IMSI-Catcher as a Role Model


王士帆(Shih-Fan Wang)


國際行動用戶識別碼截收器 ; M化車 ; 科技偵查 ; 基地台 ; 秘密通訊自由 ; 個人資訊自主決定權 ; IMSI-Catcher ; M-Car ; Technological Investigation ; Base Station ; Freedom of Secret Communication ; Personal Right to Informational Self-determination




121期(2022 / 03 / 01)


55 - 117






The M-Car is praised by the media as a magic weapon for solving crimes. The purpose of investigators using the M-Car is to intercept the IMSI of the SIM card through the IMEI of the mobile phone, so as to retrieve the communication user information from the telecom operators, and the other is to track and locate the location of the target mobile phone. In Germany, there is also a investigation method with the same function, called IMSI-Catcher. As for what kind of vehicle it is loaded on, it does not matter what it is called a M-Car or a M-UAV. Does IMSI-Catcher interfere with the basic human rights of the target mobile phone holder? If the answer is yes, does the law provide a basis for prosecution agencies to intervene in authorization? These two traction problems are the starting point for writing this article. The conclusion of this article is that IMSI-Catcher's interception of IMSI and IMEI and tracking and positioning of mobile phones will interfere with the personal right to informational self-determination. However, the Code of Criminal Procedure, Communication Security and Surveillance Act, and Police Power Exercise Act all lack the basis for IMSI-Catcher intervention authorization, that is, the current M-Car investigation practice does not have legitimacy. Facing the practical needs and legislative gaps, Article 100i of the German Criminal Procedure Law (Strafprozessordnung), which has legalized IMSI-Catcher investigation in 2002, and has been reviewed by the German Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG) for constitutionality, should serve as a reference for comparative law. In view of the importance of IMSI-Catcher's investigation practice and the observation of the intervention of basic rights of individuals, it is hoped that the research in this article will bring some reflections and comparative enlightenment to the investigation of M-Car.

主题分类 社會科學 > 法律學
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