Social work practice and studies generally focus on the care giving experience of the parents, spouse, or children of people with severe mental illness. However, few studies explore a group of invisible group playing an important role in taking on the care giving responsibility, namely the siblings. Because the literature investigating siblings' care giving experience is limited, the sibling caretakers cannot present the unique contribution to, and level of caring involvement with, their ill siblings, or how they differ from parent caregivers. This study employed a qualitative method, purposive sampling to investigate twelve participants. Three participants were found to have consistent care giving experience with their parents, due to the natural desire to provide care to any family members. Nine participants could differentiate their own care giving experiences from their parents', based on the subjective perception of the role, relationship status and natural boundaries in the family system. Then we concluded by examining the self-perception of the interviewees, and interpreted their care giving experiences. Based on the collected data analysis and anecdotal experience, the definition of the caretaker and the caregiver differs: the former involves the care giving experience of siblings, and the latter deals with care provided by the parent. This study's findings suggest that practitioners should have a variety of care giving expectations regarding the caregivers or caretakers, such as providing essential psychoeducation materials and building a work alliance. Moreover, the policymakers should focus on both caregivers and caretakers in seeking to provide the necessary social services, as well as to monitor the implementation. We should pay attention to the dual issues: caring for people with severe mental illness and collaborating with the continuum of care support system.
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