


An Exploration to Private Industries to Employ Massagers with Visual Impairment in Taiwan: A Social Inclusion View




朱貽莊(Yi-Chuang Chu)


定額進用政策 ; 社會融入 ; 按摩 ; 視障就業 ; 視覺障礙 ; employment quota policy ; social inclusion, massage ; employment of persons with vision disability ; visual impairment




32期(2015 / 12 / 01)


79 - 132






In order to improve the employment opportunity for persons with visual impairment, the government has promulgated an employment quota policy to encourage private industries to employ massagers with visual impairment. The legal employment quota for disabled persons can be offset by the aforementioned measurement. How will the employment quota policy impact massagers with visual impairment? This study aimed to explore the reasons for persons with visual impairment choosing massager as their career, and interviewed 15 participants. Furthermore, adoption to social inclusion will be discussed with four dimensions: rights of employment, work environment, social relationships and sense of belonging. The results show that, compared with regular employees, massagers with visual impairment face unstable employment opportunities and unequal welfare, even if they can obtain a stable salary and avoid risks. Additionally, even private industries which improve the environment for massagers with visual impairment, still regard them as informal employees. For the most part, massagers with visual impairment can merely acquire the opportunity to be employed by industries, but without being included in the general labor market. Consequently, the government will need to support more measures for the massagers with visual impairment to aid them in entering into the general labor market.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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