


"I am a Volunteer; I Earn Respect!" Analyzing Empowering Experiences of Female New Immigrants for Participating in Volunteering Services in Taiwan




王翊涵(Yi-Han Wang)


新住民女性志工 ; 充權歷程 ; 志願服務 ; 新住民家庭服務中心 ; female new immigrant volunteer ; empowering ; volunteering ; service center for new immigrant family




46期(2022 / 12 / 01)


127 - 180






Volunteering is related to empowerment; the concept of empowerment contains multiple dimensions and refers to an empowering process as well as empowered result. Adopting the empowerment framework proposed by Parsons, this article explores female new immigrants' volunteering experiences in the service center for new immigrant families (SCNIFs). Based on 28 in-depth interviews, three empowerment categories are identified: 1. Personal empowerment through believing in one's own abilities, improving self-esteem, and increasing self-awareness and self-acceptance; 2. Interpersonal empowerment of accumulating resources, setting limits on giving, using resources to solve problems, and interacting with others with assertiveness; 3. Community/Political empowerment of giving back by volunteering at SCNIFs, and removing stigma and earning respect. It is further found that volunteering, which embraces empowering elements, is an important means of social participation for female new immigrants to negotiate their multiple inferior situations within Taiwanese society. Besides, employing Parsons's framework to examine these female new immigrant volunteers' components and dimensions of empowerment, this article further reveals that these female volunteers mainly get their power by developing positive self-perception and improving their abilities, but rarely striving for rights or changing the unfair system. In other words, the empowerment of female new immigrant volunteers is still in the process stage. This article finally puts forward recommendations hoping to benefit female new immigrants' participation in volunteering in Taiwan.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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