


A Longitudinal Study of Natural Disaster Risk Analysis of Social Welfare Institutions




吳郁玶(Yu-Ping Wu);李香潔(Hsiang-Chieh Lee)


老人福利機構 ; 身心障礙福利機構 ; 災害風險 ; 脆弱度 ; welfare institutions for the elderly ; welfare institutions for the disabled ; disaster risk ; vulnerability




48期(2023 / 12 / 01)


1 - 36






This study aims to propose a natural disaster risk analysis method for two types of social welfare institutions: welfare institutions for the elderly and the disabled, and to compare their risk changes in 2011 and 2017 according to this method. This study uses a two-step disaster risk analysis method. The first step is to take hazards, exposure and environmental vulnerability as the basis for earthquake, slopeland disaster and flood risk classification. In the second step, based on the classification results, it examines the social vulnerability of medium and high risk institutions, and offers strategic suggestions. Whether it is earthquake disaster risk, slopeland disaster risk, or flood risk, the ratio of welfare institutions for the elderly and disabled which were classified as high risk in 2017 is lower than in 2011. As for the social vulnerability, compared with 2011, more institutions had shelter plans in 2017, which means the related vulnerability decreased significantly. The methods and aspects of institutional disaster risk analysis provided by this study can be used as a reference for formulating and improving institutional disaster management capabilities and strategies. Besides, using this method to conduct surveys and compare results at different times can also provide insights into the effectiveness of relevant policies.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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