


The Crisis Rhetoric Research of Taiwan McDonald Corporation




蔡鴻濱(Hong-Pin Tsai);郭曜棻(Yvonne Kuo)


危機反應策略 ; 危機語藝 ; 麥當勞 ; 砷油事件 ; 跨國公司 ; McDonald ; Crisis Rhetoric ; Arsenic-in-Frying-Oil Event ; Multinational Corporation ; Crisis Response Strategy




12卷1期(2012 / 07 / 01)


47 - 91






The Essay discussed the crisis response strategies of Taiwan number one multi-national fast food corporation McDonald in the Arsenic-In-Frying-Oil Event. By using the 'Crisis Response Strategies' proposed by the scholar W. Timothy Coombs to analyze the McDonald's related responses to the accused from officials and non-profit organizations, researcher found out the McDonald's rhetoric response strategies.After analyzing, researcher first found they used the strategy 'Excuse' 17 times to reduce losses in images, and also took the 'Attack the accuser' and 'Denial' strategies 8 times, 'Corrective action' and 'Full apology' 13 times to response the questions and challenges from the external world.In the end of the paper, researcher tried to evaluate the effect of McDonald's rhetoric response strategies, and found them fail in convincing Taiwanese to trust them again. Researcher strongly suggested Taiwan McDonald to improve their crisis management system.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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