


Product Involvement and Advertising Appeal Effects on the Ring of Mobile Phone


洪賢智(Chien-Chih Hung)


手機答鈴廣告 ; 產品高低涉入 ; 理性訴求 ; 感性訴求 ; 廣告效果 ; Mobile ; phone ; ring ; Advertising ; Products ; Involvement ; Logical ; Appeal ; Sensation Appeal ; Advertising Effect




12卷2期(2013 / 01 / 01)


83 - 115






Since the Government adopted the telecom liberation policy, At present, People own mobile phone exceed 100% in Taiwan, and become part of daily life. International mobile advertising Association published ”The ring of mobile phone marketing book” claimed the ring of mobile phone become a major media carrier in marketing in March, 2010.The study focuses on the effects of the ring of mobile phone on advertising. The high or low products involvement and logical or sensation appeal as independent variables and advertising effects as dependent variables in this study. We review high or low products involvement and logical or sensation appeal was studied in the literatures to develop our hypothesis. The samples were gathered by the web The valid samples were 177, We use Paired-Samples T test to do data analysis by using SPSS.The results indicate that low products involvement with sensation appeal or logical appeal are more effect than high products involvement on advertising. The reason are the ring of mobile phone advertising messages only 20seconds consumer do not have time or ability to manage the contents. Under the low products involvement with sensation appeal are more effect than high products involvement on advertising.The study will benefits for advertiser make use of mobile phone as a tool to provide the messages meet the consumer need to increase advertising effects.

主题分类 社會科學 > 傳播學
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