Research on disaster risk management has had a long history in the West, accumulating over the years a substantial body of literature, both theoretical and empirical. This study aims to review such studies of disaster risk management and, hopefully, to derive therefrom relevant lessons for Taiwan’s disaster reduction research and policies in the years ahead. Our investigation covers four major parts: (1) the development trend of research on disaster risk management; (2) economic development, disaster risk management, and the social protection of poverty population; (3) the trend toward integration of policies for disaster reduction and for poverty reduction; and (4) the U.S. experience of disaster management systems and the financial principles of disaster insurance. In recent decades, hazard research and disaster research have converged on emphasizing a holistic perspective, a perspective that takes into account not only the disaster events but also their structural factors. Meanwhile, disaster management in western countries has reoriented from an individualistic, functionalist approach to a comprehensive and longitudinal one that emphasizes risk reduction mechanisms of disaster insurance, community integration, and the utilization of social capital and human networks. In Taiwan, most studies on disaster management have so far suffered from a lack of large-scale empirical data that provides a basis for analyzing and formulating disaster reduction policies. Furthermore, disaster research in Taiwan has also failed to integrate immediate, short-term with structural, long-term goals of disaster reduction. As a result, in the post-disaster recovery the socially and economically disadvantaged groups are likely to suffer from structural hazards as well as poverty risk for an extended period. In a word, the government in Taiwan, in pursuing national development policies, must deal carefully with the social problems thus incurred, if disaster risk is not to increase. In this regard, the sustainability of land use policy and its loose enforcement are notable issues in the management of disaster risk.
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