


Factors Affecting Work Assignment, Retention and Turnover in Home-Help




楊筱慧(Hsiao-Hui Yang)


長期照顧 ; 居家服務 ; 照顧人力 ; 工作選擇因素 ; Long-term care ; Home-help ; Care workers ; Work selection factors




12卷1期(2014 / 12 / 01)


165 - 214






The disabled population is continually increasing, along with the demands of long-term care. However, the lack of an adequate workforce in long-term care is gaining increasing attention, especially in home-help. Considering the high rate of unemployment, it is critically important to increase the workforce in long-term care and home-help. The research described in this paper not only identified the characteristics of long-term care but also investigated retention and turnover issues. The subjects in the study were care workers representing each type of care service. Because the subjects' previous or current working experiences could have influenced their work choices, a qualitative "in-depth interview" method was adopted through which subjects' opinions about what were solicited. Results showed that the characteristics of each care service type as practiced by the care workers were different. With home-help, the reasons for turnover included lack of flexibility and no pay for training. The factors affecting retention included work flexibility, work achievement and the performance of the home-help supervisor. Care worker promotion was positively affected by increasing the hourly wage to $150. It was negatively affected by removing the care service restriction on elementary education and requiring that workers conform to the Labor Standard Law. The other strategies did not impact the workforce. The findings suggest that it is necessary to take into consideration whether there a pre-service training class, to increase retention in home-help, to investigate the requirements for job training for each service type and to review the government's procedures for care worker promotion.

主题分类 社會科學 > 社會學
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