Social insurance benefits in Taiwan include old-age, disability, medical, unemployment, and long-term care insurance, the latter still in the planning stage. However, Taiwan's aging population is challenging the financial soundness of the social insurance systems, which makes sustainable operations the top priority of social insurance reform. Control of expenses, revenue collection and adjustment of the premium rate are the key factors for financial sustainability. Among these, the funding method is critical for premium planning, and it is an important part of overall financial planning. There are three social insurance funding methods: full funding, payas-you-go funding and partial funding. Every method has its perspective, advantages and shortcomings. We discuss the funding methods for long-term care insurance, and review Germany and Japan's experiences with premium adjustments. The last section focuses on the funding methods for long-term care insurance in Taiwan, which the authors evaluate from the following perspectives: 1. financial sustainability, 2. affordability, 3. intergenerational equity, 4. political feasibility of premium adjustments, and 5. the optimal scale for measuring fund amounts.
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ケアマネジメント研究フォーラム監、高室成幸監(2012)。図解入門ビギナーズ 最新介護保険の基本と仕組みがよーくわかる本。