A company delivers positive value signals when it proposes a share repurchase plan. However, if the company does not implement the repurchase plan after its announcement, its policy may be suspected of investors trade direction manipulation. For this reason, this study explored the motives of company repurchase and examined the responses from market and the outcome of implementation in hopes to verify the rationale for the repurchase strategy value signal. First, for empirical results, the study categorized the repurchase motive characteristics preferred by the investors, including highly optimistic self-evaluation, small free cash flow, high liabilities, and hot-repurchase. Second, we considered the fact that company repurchases may not be motivated by just one single factor and attempted to establish “repurchase motivation synergy scores” to measure the characteristics of diversified investor preference for repurchase motivation. The study found that the higher the repurchase motivation synergy score, the stronger the performance after announcement. Because investors tend to respond positively to repurchase plans, this study also investigated whether a company would adhere to the repurchase plan and implement the repurchase. The results indicate that repurchase motivation and actual repurchase behavior are severed issues. Further evidence indicates that the actual repurchase behaviors of the company depended on the responses of investors. The better the initial performance after the announcement, the more likely the company would abandon the repurchase.
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